Tuesday, April 13, 2010

There Is No Such Thing As Intellectualizing the 'n-word'.

So today is my 18th birthday and I have to say that today has been interesting. I went to a family friends funeral, got my prom dress fitted, and later on I'm going out to dinner. I've always said that I would write a blog about the controversy that is the 'n-word' (purposefully uncapitalized) and I feel as if I have the strength and the right words to speak on it today.

First and foremost, this is not a black and white issue, this is a PEOPLE issue. If you use the n-word, you are IGNORANT. Let me repeat: if you use the the n-word, you are IGNORANT. Ok, I'll let off a bit- you are not an ignorant person if you use the n-word but you are ignorant when it comes to that word and its history. It does not matter whether you are black, white, Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, or Native American, no one should use that word for the simple fact that it has its roots in something diabolically evil.

Blacks were oppressed for over seven centuries and as most people know, when blacks were being taken from Africa, they were called 'niggers', which is a derogatory term stemmed from the spanish word 'negro' (which means black). When blacks were enslaved, masters would call blacks said derogatory term and other slurs while committing atrocious acts against them.

I want everyone to understand what was happening when blacks were being called 'niggers'. Black women and children were being raped while they were being called that word. In some cases, men were being raped while being called that word. Black people were being burned alive and hanged while being called that word. Men were being castrated while that epithet was being hurled onto them. People's bodies were being mutilated while being called that word. People's throats were being slit while being called that word. People's faces were being bashed in while being called that word. People were being attacked by dogs, policemen and by powerful water hoses while being called that word.

14 year old, Emmett Till, whose face and body was mutilated by a group of white men.

Now, with all of that, WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE WITH SOME SORT OF EMPATHY USE THE N-WORD? Especially black people- why don't we have more respect for our ancestors struggles? Don't you realize the pain that they endured while being called that word? And no, I do not believe in the argument that black people turned a negative word into something positive. That is complete and utter BS. Only ignorant people use that argument because we all know good and well that the majority of black people use the n-word as something negative. Also, there is absolutely NO difference between an 'A' and 'ER'.

1981, Michael Donald lynched by the KKK.

All I know is I respect my ancestors and their struggles. Most importantly, through that respect, I try to UNDERSTAND their struggles. Moreover, through this effort to understand, I realize that it is extremely disrespectful to use the n-word and I know when someone uses it, they are figuratively defecating on my ancestors names. My ancestors went through too much for me and for anyone else to disrespect them in that way. I'm living my life for them and I know that they are extremely proud of me and of the other conscious people like myself because we understand. Even though I cannot begin to imagine the horrendous circumstances that they were put through, I understand what they would want from their progeny.

And rappers play a significant role in this disaster. A good number of black youth look up to rappers. Rap artist's constant use of the n-word just perpetuates the ignorance in all races, since people of all races listen to rap. It is time for them to actually act like role models and to understand the power that they really hold.

If you do not know who Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are and what they represent, then you won't understand this video.

I would like to end this post by repeating that the n-word has its roots in something DIABOLICALLY EVIL. No one should say it. And to the black people who use this term often, look up this page and see all of the epithets people are saying about us and our ancestors and hopefully through viewing this page, you will realize that the only way you can stop this hatred is by realizing and eradicating the ignorance within yourself: http://www.facebook.com/pages/PROUD-TO-BE-BLACK/23465376735?ref=nf

God Bless and R.I.P. Marc V. and all of my ancestors.

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